Resources for Faculty and Personnel

Georgia Tech faculty and researchers consistently transfer technology globally--from readying the students that graduate and enter the work force, to commercialization paths including new venture creation or licensing. From engineering to the arts, our Georgia Tech commercialization ecosystem is here to support the important work our faculty and researchers are doing to improve society.

For faculty interested in bringing their idea to market or launching a new venture, there are a multitude of resources: technology validation funding, startup mentors, industry experts, business advice and workshops, market research databases, and many more. 

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Quick Links for Faculty and Personnel

Online Invention Disclosure Tool

Report or Update Outside Activities Including Ventures (COI Management)

Health Technologies and Life Science Commercialization Resources

Browse Intellectual Property Available for License

Presentations, Strategic Plans, Goals, and Leadership

Contact List by Topic

Considerations for Faculty Before Launching Ventures

Georgia Tech Policies: Commercialization Reference

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Material Transfer Agreements



Explore Resources for Faculty / Research Personnel

VentureLab helps faculty find and apply for funding. Additionally, VentureLab helps coordinate funding submissions including Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) and I-Corps Programs. 

VentureLab manages Georgia Tech's I-Corps sites. Be on the look out for information sessions before periodic program deadlines. Sign up for VentureLab's mailing list to be sure you don't miss opportunities and announcements.

VentureLab supports faculty and research personnel including ideation, customer discovery, customer validation, customer creation, and company building. 

Quadrant-i is the newest addition to the Office of Commercialization and is dedicated to helping faculty, researchers, and students translate their research into startups.

Check ATDC's calendar of events for topics specifically geared towards help finding funding.

The Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) at Georgia Tech is Georgia’s technology incubator. Forbes named ATDC to its list of “Incubators Changing the World” in 2010 and 2013, alongside Y Combinator and the Palo Alto Research Center.

The Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) should be your first point of contact on matters involving Intellectual Property disclosed by researchers at Georgia Tech. If you anticipate a public disclosure, contact OTL as soon as possible to insure proper protections can be put in place.

PTRC provides free patent and trademark related training and research consultation to students, faculty and staff on the Georgia Tech campus, as well as public access. 

PTRC provides free patent and trademark related training and research consultation to students, faculty and staff on the Georgia Tech campus, as well as public access. 

Engage VC is an early-stage venture fund created by Georgia Tech, Invest Georgia, and 11 of the nation's largest corporations. The Engage fund is managed by Tech Square Ventures.

Engage VC's 10-week Go-To-Market program for founders helps refine your strategy and provides a smoother path to break into and scale within the Fortune 500.

GCMI has a 12,000 square foot medical device design and prototyping center where we help innovators, entrepreneurs and new-product teams bring their ideas from concept to reality.

GCMI is a resource focused on medical and health innovations, offering services including preclinical testing, bioskills training, and accelerator / MedTech incubator programs.

Biolocity supports translation of university life science technologies and research into commercial products. Biolocity operates three functional areas: Biolocity U (educational resources including workshops), the Biolocity Fund, and Biolocity Launch.

Biolocity supports translation of university life science technologies and research into commercial products. Biolocity operates three functional areas: Biolocity U (educational resources including workshops), the Biolocity Fund, and Biolocity Launch.

Biolocity supports translation of university life science technologies and research into commercial products. Biolocity operates three functional areas: Biolocity U (educational resources), the Biolocity Fund, and Biolocity Launch.

Led by VentureLab, I-Corps programs at Georgia Tech host a variety of events, speaker series, innovation open mics, workshops, and training cohorts. Check our website for a calendar of upcoming events and opportunities.

Our I-Corps South team is based out of Georgia Tech's VentureLab. Our I-Corps South team introduces research labs and universities to a lean start-up entrepreneurship methodology and curriculum. 

The Prototyping Lab is a space maintained by the GVU Center to allow researchers and students to rapidly prototype new ideas. Participants use industry standard equipment and collaborate with other builders and makers.

Operated as a student organization, the Invention Studio supports all Georgia Tech students, staff, and faculty in building projects and prototypes for research, academic and personal purposes. The studio facility has four major areas: The Hub, Metal Room, Wood Room, and Store.

Pivot is a comprehensive global source of funding opportunities. All Georgia Tech researchers have access to Pivot, courtesy of an enterprise license made possible by the Vice President for Research Administration and the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Administered by CREATE-X, this fellowship program will span three semesters, providing the selected faculty members an opportunity to build entrepreneurship into their course curriculum and research. Further, fellows have the option to identify the critical elements of a startup business model through extensive interactions with real customers.

The Georgia Tech Research Network Operations Center (GT-RNOC) accelerates innovation in networking, computing, sensing, mobility and convergence by enabling communities of collaboration. Through partnerships with industry and community partners, GT-RNOC provides and maintains a unique end-to-end infrastructure within an operational setting, giving access to world class students, researchers, and innovators from various disciplines across Georgia Tech's research and academic units.