2024 Student IoT Innovation Challenge call for project proposals

CDAIT is interested in a wide range of projects and looks forward to receiving proposals addressing (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Industrial/manufacturing and productivity applications
  • Enterprise and logistics applications
  • AI, IoT, and smart edge devices
  • #IoT and Connectivity – 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, LPWAN, etc.
  • Healthcare/Healthtech and IoT
  • Policy and IoT: social benefits, social challenges
  • Connected medical device/applications and use cases
  • IoT, sensors, and the environment
  • Inclusive IoT: Aging, People with Disabilities, and minority populations
  • IoT CyberSecurity platforms and devices: technology, policy, processes
  • IoT and Data: collecting and managing real-world data
  • Smart Cities/Connected Communities/Transportation systems
  • Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality in training/manufacturing/business settings

Rules and Eligibility

Applicant teams should be composed of up to 3 Georgia Tech students, which can be undergraduate or graduate students. The proposed projects, papers, apps, devices, or product presentations should be completed by May 1, 2024. Teams will present their work at a CDAIT industry event in late May.

How to Apply

Project teams submit a competition application on or before Feb. 16, 2024, through the online application site. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.

The key component of the competition application is the research project proposal and supporting documentation.

The R&D Project Proposal should include:

  • Project Title
  • An overview of proposed project (abstract)
  • Objectives and goals for the project, to include a brief (3-5 sentence) proposed social/economic impact statement
  • Supporting literature/references and background information
  • Design approaches, methods, and techniques to be employed, software to be used or developed, and types of media or resources to be utilized
  • A list of team members and contact info for the team leader
  • A proposed budget for materials and supplies. This could include parts, software, fees for access to needed research/databases, etc.
  • Proposals should not exceed two pages in length in 10-point font (excluding references)
  • Proposed deliverables could include: a working prototype, evidence of working functional design, a graphic interface, or an in-depth policy paper related to IoT development.

The Commercialization Project Proposal should include:

  • Project Title
  • An overview of proposed project (abstract)
  • Objectives and goals for the project, including a brief (3-5 sentence) proposed commercialization or market focus for the project.
  • Description of technologies to be employed, software to be used illustration of products or prototypes; types of media or resources to be used, target industry and/or market, and potential commercialization path.
  • A list of team members and contact info for the team leader
  • A proposed budget for materials and supplies. This could include parts, software, fees for access to needed research/databases, etc.
  • Proposals should not exceed two pages in length in 10-point font (excluding references)
  • Proposed Deliverables: working prototype such as a pre-minimum viable product, (MVP), with characterization data and benchmarks (chart or .xls) against the state-of-the-art solution(s) today.: 2) demonstration of product-market fit, and 3) a list of potential customers, partners or licensees.

For more information and to apply go to the Online Application Site.


All questions should be directed to Nathan Moon (nathan.moon@gatech.edu)